The quilter selected for our February showcase is Speri Machuga.
A fantastic and vibrant member of Paradise's Ridge Quilter's Guild, Speri is constantly creating so many beautiful items!
1. How did you get started in quilting?
It was all because of a boy! At the time, I was dating a handsome guy that I knew was “the one.” I wanted to get to know his family better, especially his mother (since she was going to be my future in-law). She makes beautiful quilts! So, I asked her to teach me how to make one. She took me to Honey Run Quilters, when it was on the Esplanade, and I selected different fabrics (mostly blues and purples) to make a “Trip Around the World” quilt. I fell in love with fabric and pieced my “first quilt.” What I thought would be a good bonding experience between my future mother-in-law and I, has turned into a 22 year friendship where we continue to sew/quilt together! A relationship that was started by a boy and a quilt.
2. What is one quilting notion that you can’t do without?
I can't do without thread! I love the variety of colors, variations, and feel of thread. I like changing my thread for the various sections of quilting, especially on panels! It's also essential with English Paper Piecing
to match the thread to fabric.
3. If you’re willing, please share a funny quilting experience that taught you a memorable lesson.
I'd been quilting for about 8 years before I took an "official" class. I attended a Beginning Quilting class at Honey Run Quilters with a friend who was interested in learning how to quilt. Initially, I was only attending to support my friend. But, I ended up learning so much! Over time, we get used to doing things in certain ways. So, taking a class to learn new ideas is refreshing. Obviously, it turned out that the joke was on me. You can always learn something new!
4. If it’s possible to choose just one, what is your favorite quilt that you’ve made?
I did a virtual sew-along, making a quilt without someone in mind, using fabric that I liked. As I was piecing it, I kept a running list of who this quilt could go to. No one was right. Usually, having a person to gift a quilt to is my motivation to finish. I kept pressing on and got the quilt completed. Still, no person came to mind. I thought about keeping it for myself. But, it wasn’t for me. I sew for both the joy of playing with fabric and for gifting it to someone.
As the next few months went by, God showed me who this quilt was meant for. In their time of distress, I could show support and love with this quilt that, unbeknownst to me, contained fabric pieces that represented their life story. This is my favorite quilt now because of the joy experienced by both myself and the recipient.
5. What do you do with your quilts?
I give them away! Usually, before I even start a quilt or choose the pattern and fabric, I already have the person in mind. I pour myself into the ironing, cutting, piecing, and binding. Sometimes, I'll do the actual quilting on a project myself. Other times, I pay a long-arm quilter to complete it. There are also a few quilts that I've made that I've kept for myself.
6. Have you ever received a quilt as a gift? If so, please share a bit about the experience.
Yes! I received a watermelon themed quilt when I graduated Chico State. Sadly, it did not survive a life event and I have no photos of it. But, there was joy in receiving the quilt because, as a quilter, I know how much work truly goes into it.
7. What type of quilting do you most enjoy?
I enjoy traditional, modern, English paper piecing, and foundation paper piecing. I have done one art quilt, a Laura Heine Angel. I've been wanting to learn applique. But, I'm nervous to start.
8. We would love to include some personal details about you (anything you’d like to share) such as your profession, interests outside of quilting, future plans, etc.
Outside of quilting, I enjoy reading, watching crime & Hallmark shows, Jeepin' in the mountains, camping, riding dirt bikes, and hanging out with family/friends. I enjoy attending retreats and getting to know other creators. I am blessed to be able to sew with my mother-in-law and Momma at Guild retreats and vacations. My sisters-in-law also sew now and it is fun to put on a "Home Sewing Retreat."
My future goal is retirement! But, I'm many years away from that. When we do retire, my husband and I want to be campsite hosts. I also hope to one day to live in an RV, staying near the beach and sewing!