1. How did you get started quilting?
Kelly encouraged me to take a class with her.

2. What is one quilting notion that you can't do without?
My sewing machine.
3. If it's possible to choose just one, what is your favorite quilt that you've made?
My favorite quilt is named Hashtag. It is Scott Hansen's pattern, Starscape.

4. What do you do with your quilts?
I use my quilts. I make quilts for philanthropic organizations and for my friends' cats and dogs.
5. Have you ever received a quilt as a gift? If so, please share a bit about the experience.
I received a quilt as a birthday gift. It hung proudly in my bedroom. The quilt burned in the Camp Fire. The giver of the quilt will never make another one for me. It was Kelly.

6. What type of quilting do you most enjoy?
I most enjoy sewing little pieces of fabric together.
7. We would love to include some personal details about you (anything you'd like to share) such as your profession, interests outside of quilting, future plans, etc.
My grandmother taught me to hand sew doll clothes at age five. I began taking sewing classes in the seventh grade and continue to this day. I earned a Dressmaker's Certificate in the early 1980's and am proficient in hand tailoring. I also knit, crochet, embroider and do needlepoint. I believe that I come from a long line of washerwomen as I enjoy doing laundry and ironing. Sometimes I just go into my sewing room and refold my fabric stash.

8. What quilting/sewing projects have you worked on together?
Kelly and I have worked on quilts for the Yankee Hill Fire Safe Council and for family members and friends.
9. What is something you've learned from each other regarding quilting?
I have learned the finer points of quilting from Kelly. While we started at the same time, Kelly has embraced quilting while I am still a dabbler.

10. What is a quilting skill you admire in your daughter/mother?
I admire Kelly's ability to create original designs.
11. If you give your daughter/mother advice, do they take it?
Yes, we accept each other's advice.