The quilter selected for our October showcase is customer Karen Peery.
Karen has a boisterous personality and a wicked sense of humor!
1. How did you get started in quilting?
I had set quilting as a retirement goal! I’ve been sewing all my life (which is pretty funny since my mom has never sewn). When I was little, my bedroom window faced my neighbor, Eleanor's, sewing room window! I would wave to her and she would wave for me to come over. I loved sitting on the floor of her sewing room. Eleanor made all of my school dresses. She taught me how to thread a needle and taught me how to make Barbie clothes by hand.
From there, I graduated to this little black sewing machine that could only go forward. Eleanor helped my mom pick out my first BIG sewing machine: a Singer sewing machine that I made all of my prom dresses on and even took to college!
In my 30’s I wanted to start quilting. I started several quilts. But, never truly finished them. Then came my teaching career, which made me have to put sewing and quilting to the side. But, I always knew I wanted to get started again and now I can't stop!
2. What is one quilting notion that you can’t do without?
Wow, that’s a hard question. I love so many of my tools! My newest love is my new rotary cutter by Quilters Select! All of their products are great! However, you can also never dismiss a good seam ripper!
3. If you’re willing, please share a funny quilting experience that taught you a memorable lesson.
I made the quilt I use on my bed. It was one of my first quilts: a flannel double snuggle. After finishing that quilt and putting the binding on, I discovered a misplaced block that now really stands out! WHY didn’t it stand out before?! I laugh at it every time I see it!
4. If it’s possible to choose just one, what is your favorite quilt that you’ve made?
If I have to choose just one, it would be the one I made for my granddaughter when she was 7 months old. She has a unique first name, Roy, and I wanted to incorporate it in the quilt!
5. What do you do with your quilts?
I give away most of my quilts. But, a few I actually keep! The grandchildren have gotten several quilts, I made one specifically for my mom, and I've also made some for former students.
6. Have you ever received a quilt as a gift? If so, please share a bit about the experience.
Yes, I have! A grandparent of one of the students in my class was able to surprise me with a quilt. It had the handprints of all of the children in that year's class. After that, the quilt hung in my classroom until I retired!
7. What type of quilting do you most enjoy?
I truly love making table runners and incorporating machine embroidery into them. Machine embroidery is probably my favorite thing! I also love being able to put my machine embroidery skills into my quilts!
8. We would love to include some personal details about you (anything you’d like to share) such as your profession, interests outside of quilting, future plans, etc.
I taught Kindergarten In Oroville for 26 years! I was one of the lucky ones that found both the job I loved and the grade level I loved! I retired after 2 retina detachments played havoc with my eyes. My first year of retirement also included a few more surgeries. My joke with my doctor is “as long as I can sew and thread a needle, life is good!"
I’m also an avid reader! Our summer garden brings me great joy. But, I must credit my husband with all the hard work. I just go and admire the growth and cook the fresh veggies!