Gail makes sure that every project she creates contains one key component: Love.
She is a multi-talented and truly wonderful person that we're always excited to catch up with.
1. How did you get started sewing/quilting?
I began sewing in junior high school, taking home economics classes. My father made his living as an auto upholsterer. So, I grew up with an appreciation for all things sewing. He instilled in me the love for all kinds of fabric, sewing techniques, and the endless possibilities that creativity can bring!
My grandmother gave me the appreciation for all things vintage and homemade. Years ago, I took a few quilting classes with my mom. But, with raising a family and working full-time, I couldn't dedicate my attention to quilting/crafting. I recently retired and returned to the beautiful world of fabric arts. One day, I visited Cathy's Sew & Vac and discovered something unexpected. I had several friends who were taking classes at Cathy's on quilting and embroidering! They easily convinced me to join them. Now, I'm having so much fun exploring and discovering the endless possibilities and techniques available! With each class experience, I learn even more techniques and develop my skills a little more.
2. What is one sewing notion that you can’t do without?
My Kimberbell embroidery scissors, my Clover seam ripper and my long tweezers sit beside my machine at all times! I also love my Quilter's Select Rotary cutter and rulers for their ease of use and accuracy. Then there is my embroidery thread stash, oh my. . . . .
3. If it’s possible to choose just one, what is your favorite project that you’ve made?
I love anything from Buggy Barn. My favorite patterns are Log Cabin Crazies and Scrap Bag Stars. I love to incorporate machine embroidery into the borders or in a corner of the quilt to make it more meaningful for the recipient. (And my new Babylock embroidery machine makes this so easy!).
I think my favorite inspiration is a Buggy Barn flannel quilt I made many years ago for a co-worker as a retirement gift. It was beautiful, full of rich fall colors, and I was able to incorporate embroidery to personalize it for her. At work, she created "pillars" (leadership principles) for each of us to follow. I was able to embroider these principles along the border of her quilt.
Next would be the individual baby quilts I have made for my grandchildren. I have made, I think, 8 baby quilts.
One memorable day was when my two granddaughters and I had a sew day. They chose their own charm packs and pieced together their own quilt tops. I then used Kimberbell’s Clear Blue Tiles to quilt them. Such a great experience to pass on my love of quilting to my family!
Another quilt that has special meaning to me is a red and white flying geese quilt. It was started by my mother in the late 80's when we took a class together. But, she had never finished it. So, about 20 years later, I decided to finish it for her as a gift for her wedding anniversary.
4. What do you do with your quilts/crafts?
There are numerous quilts and crafts that I haven't completed . As I am getting back into quilting/crafting, I try to select a project/class that will teach me a new technique or skill. Thus right now, I have many, many UFO’s. My projects that have been completed have been for a specific person and gifted for a special moment such as a birth, retirement, or thank you.
The recent quilts that I made for my 2 granddaughters were very special. My daughter had been saving memorable pieces of their clothing over the years. These included special occasion dresses from kindergarten graduation, father/daughter dances, and birthdays. Plus, their favorite "skinny jeans."
My daughter and I designed 2 quilts and my husband and I cut everything into 5" squares. I made 2 quilts to surprise them for the oldest granddaughter's high school graduation. One friend asked why I would go to so much work to make quilts out of clothes. I wish I could post the video of my girls opening their quilts so you could see why! Watching their faces as they opened them was such a rewarding feeling for all of the work I had done. This is the reason I love quilting so much. It's such a wonderful way to give and show love for others.
5. Have you ever received a quilt as a gift? If so, please share a bit about the experience.
I went to a quilt show recently where they had a quilt giveaway. With each piece of fabric you bought, you were given a ticket to enter the drawing. I bought one piece of fabric. What a surprise when my one ticket was drawn! I won a beautiful king size Judy Niemeyer paper pieced quilt!! It is absolutely stunning! What a treasure!
6. What type of crafting do you most enjoy?
I just love the art of quilting and all things fabric. There are so many different techniques you can use to make or create things with fabric. I have quilted, embroidered, and recently experienced the art of both collage quilting and thread painting. I find it so inspiring, energizing, and relaxing to get lost in any of these methods. It takes me to a whole different wonderful place. Along with a new and exciting quilting project, I absolutely love the people involved in the world of quilting. I love how everyone shares ideas and skills. It supports and inspires us to expand our world of friendship, quilting and crafting. I want to thank everyone at Cathy’s Sew & Vac/Honey Run Quilters for being a big part of that world. They're always providing new opportunities for a great new class, the latest in supplies, and making it all a fun supportive environment!
7. We would love to include some personal details about you (anything you’d like to share) such as your profession, interests outside of sewing, future plans, etc.
I am a retired registered nurse. My husband and I live on 10 acres in Los Molinos. I love living in the country, gardening, and tending to our animals. We love being at home and enjoying life and our family.